Other names for the September moon are Stay Home Moon, Quiet Moon, Moon After Yule, Severe Moon, Center Moon, Birch Moon
Element: Air
Focus: Goals and your inner self
Colors: White, blue-violet, black, garnet, silver
Stones: Garnet, Onyx, Jet, Hematite, Snowflake Obsidian
Animals: Wolf, fox, coyote, pheasant, cardinal
Flowers: Carnation, Snowdrops, Crocus
Herbs: Majoram, Holly Thistle, nuts, cones, seeds, Basil
For your journal: What goals did you achieve last year? What goals did you fail to achieve? How can you take steps to make them happen? Can you find ways to make yourself over from the inside? Try meditation or manifestation. Are there emotions that overwhelm you? How can you work to calm them or redirect them in a positive way?